Our Big Book of DD Stats was so well received last year that we decided to take things a step further and make this year's report even better.
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The MediSked Blog
Elizabeth Chatterton
Recent Posts
Just Released: The 2015 Data Digest, Presented by MediSked & The Arc
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Fri, Oct 09, 2015 @ 03:09 PM
Tags: Data, MediSked Company News
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, Oct 07, 2015 @ 03:51 PM
We're already a week into October, so I couldn't go another day without mentioning that it's National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).
This month, in its 70th year of observance, is a time to celebrate the the contributions of America's workers with disabilities and raise awareness about the benefits of hiring employees with disabilities.
The theme for this year is "My Disability is One Part of Who I Am."
Make sure to read Obama's Presidential Proclimation on the White House's official website and check out the Department of Labor's official 2015 poster below.
While you're at it, consider (re)reading Mike Holihan's recent blog post on I/DD Employment Statistics & Ideas for Growth and my Open Letter to Employers: Consider Hiring Person(s) with DisABILITIES.
Tags: Employment Services
The Most Important Thing I Heard at The Arc National Convention
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Oct 05, 2015 @ 03:35 PM
If you pay attention to the MediSked Twitter feed, you may have noticed a quote that I tweeted from the Home and Community Based Settings Rule Update seminar at the National Arc Convention in Indianapolis this weekend.
The eight word statement really reasonated with me and I couldn't help but share. The speaker, Laura Brackin (former Executive Director of the Arc of Louisiana) may not have even realized the impact of this one particular line - but out of everything I learned in that hour, it stuck out to me the most.
That line was "Poor reimbursement rates violate peoples' right to integration."
I'd never thought of it that way before but it's SO true!
Tags: Provider Agencies, ID/DD News, Advocacy, 2015
Attending the Arc's National Convention in Indy this Weekend? Stop By & Say Hi!
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Fri, Oct 02, 2015 @ 09:56 AM
If you're going to be at the Arc's National Convention in Indianapolis this weekend, make sure to stop by and say hello!
We're proud to be one of the event's sponsors and will be exhibiting in the Marriott Ballroom Foyer on the second floor from 8am until about 2:30pm on Sunday.