Exciting news! The Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule has finally been put on public display. It won't officially be published May 6th, but we can take a sneak peak as of yesterday - and it's definitely one worth taking.
Here's the message from CMS:

The MediSked Blog
Check It Out: The Medicaid Managed Care Final Rule is Finally Public
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Apr 26, 2016 @ 09:22 AM
Tags: Final Rule
New States Posted: Get Your HCBS Rule Update Here
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Thu, Oct 22, 2015 @ 03:47 PM
The statewide transition plans for HCBS rule have been gradualy rolling into CMS and as of this week, almost every state's CMIA letter has been posted.
CMIA stands for "Changes or Modifications required for Initial Approval" and because no state's initial transition plan was accepted "as is" - every state is receiving one.
The new states that were most recently posted are:
Tags: Compliance, Medicaid, Home and Community Based Services, Final Rule
4 Final Rule Updates You Need to Be Prepared For
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Jun 16, 2015 @ 10:30 AM
If your agency is anything like our office, you can’t get through a meeting or a planning session without someone mentioning the CMS Final Rule.
And, if that’s not happening – it probably should be.
Being proactive is far better than reactive, especially when you’re facing multiple major adjustments to the way your entire business operates.
Smart agencies aren’t just carrying on as usual - waiting for the Final Rule changes to happen. They’re studying the proposed changes now and they’re making gradual updates to their programs. They’re also designing strategic implementation timelines for the larger scale infrastructural and procedural modifications, so that even if everything isn’t done ahead of time – they’ll have a plan and a head start.
Tags: Change Management, Medicaid, CMS, 2015, Final Rule