The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) created a new resource that provides information to individuals about how to use their health records.
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The MediSked Blog
New ONC Guide to Accessing and Using Your Records
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Mon, Apr 23, 2018 @ 03:00 PM
Tags: Awareness, Person-Centered Portal, 2018
Driving Person-Centeredness with Increased Visibility
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Tue, Mar 13, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Technology has made its way into most facets of our lives, from smart boards in our schools, to ipad menus at airport restaurants, to personal assistant devices running our homes. The idea behind most of these products is to make life easier and more efficient. In each industry there is a race to create the newest, most innovative products to address certain issues and to ultimately provide the end user with more control.
Read MoreTags: Person-Centered Services, Person-Centered Portal, 2018
New Conflict-Free Case Management Resource!
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Fri, Jan 19, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Everyone is talking about conflict-free case management and states are taking very different approaches to maintain compliance with the national regulations that seek to move away from institutional care and increase the delivery of home and community-based services. This change is frequently accompanied by restructuring of organizations to prevent conflicts of interest. We created a new brief that provides an overview of conflict-free case management, including:
Tags: Compliance, Technology, Coordinate, Person-Centered Portal, Connect Exchange, 2018, Care Coordination
The Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI) conducted a study that surveyed 700 non-professional “caregivers” of both adults and children in Massachusetts about digital health solutions. Only 30% of “caregivers” responded that technology “plays a major role” in how they provide support. The biggest reason for this small percentage was not because of fear of technology, but rather that “caregivers” just don’t know what the best option is for the people they support.
Read MoreTags: 2017, Awareness, Person-Centered Portal