The MediSked Blog
Do you have a dashboard for provider agency management?
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Oct 30, 2014 @ 08:44 AM
Tags: Reporting
The beauty of an all in one I/DD EHR, or Agency Management Platform, is that you get the benefits of managing records, plans and services notes along with the ability to bill right in the system for your claims. We know first hand that billing manually for service hours is a monumental task that takes days, upon weeks to complete. By bringing the billing function into an I/DD EHR, you eliminate a ton of paperwork and increase your accuracy. Here are the top 4 billing features in an I/DD EHR:
Taking the Leap: A Computer System for Provider Agencies
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Apr 10, 2014 @ 10:43 AM
One phrase we hear all of the time from agencies we work with is "I don't know how we use to manage our agency before we implemented MediSked Connect." And while it's always nice to feel needed, the real message is: For our agency to be around in 10 - 20 years, we HAD to move to electronic records. There are signs and trends in our industry that point to the need for computer systems for provider agencies. Some of them include:
Tags: Person-Centered Services, Provider Agencies, Reporting
Developmental Disabilities Software for reporting
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Jan 16, 2014 @ 09:30 AM
Overseeing the operations of a human service agency is no easy task. Keeping your agency staffed with qualified employees, monitoring utilization of authorized units, forecasting financials, staying on top of changing regulatory requirements are a few of the many responsibilities of those that are managing the day to day operations. I've seen first hand the balancing act that's required to do this and when managers or executives say they don't have enough time in the day to do their job, they're not kidding! One of the key tools in an executive or manager's toolbox is the ability to generate and view reports. Through reports and dashboards you can quickly see the status of key areas to know how to navigate your employees, decisions and operations. This is one of the biggest benefits to using developmental disabilities software, or an agency management platform, at your agency. If you didn't have to spend to time creating reports or taking raw data and putting into excel spreadsheets, but instead had reports at your finger tips, how much time would you save? And how much more accurate would your reporting be?
Tags: MediSked Company News, Reporting