It's always nice to be proud of what you do - and where you work.
Here at MedISked I get to do really important work, with insanely smart and talented people, and the really cool office space is a bonus that I get to enjoy 40+ hours a week.
We've recently expanded our Rochester, NY offices - and I wanted to share a few photos, seeing as we usually come to your places/agencies.
If you're in Rochester and you'd rather see it for yourself, feel free stop by and visit us anytime!

The MediSked Blog
Elizabeth Chatterton
Recent Posts
A Peek Into MediSked's Rochester, NY Headquarters
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Thu, Apr 30, 2015 @ 10:35 AM
Tags: MediSked Company News
An Open Letter to Employers: Consider Hiring Person(s) with disABILITIES
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, Apr 22, 2015 @ 01:47 PM
Dear Boss (Wo)Man, ,
I wanted to tell you about an article I just read. You see, the federal government just made a $15 million dollar commitment to create more job training programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and this is obviously very exciting news!
$15 million dollars is a fairly substantial amount of money and the cause could not be more deserving of such funds. I’m super excited – there’s just one problem. Once we have people taking advantage of these federally funded training programs, they are going to be looking for somewhere to work. Just like all of the skilled people with disabilities who are looking for work now.
And, if you won’t give them a chance... who will?
Tags: Employment Services, 2015
5 Things Every Agency Can Learn from FEGS
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Apr 20, 2015 @ 12:51 PM
Hearing that any agency is struggling is difficult - but receiving the news that one of Manhattan's largest human service agencies going belly-up is especially hard. And it's tough to make sense of it all.
How does such a well-respected agency with an annual budget of about $250 million, 81 years of reliable service under its belt, and a fantastic reputation for caring for 120,000 of New York City's neediest get to the point where they're declaring bankruptcy and struggling to provide services as they liquidate?
The more we learn about the years of misteps and mismanaegment that brought them to this point, the more tragic the story gets. It's past the point of being a fixable situation, but that does not mean all is lost. We can all learn something (or a few things) from FEGS' unfortunate circumstances.
Jordan Spieth Already Knows There's More To Life Than Winning the Masters at 21
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Apr 14, 2015 @ 01:10 PM
Tags: Inspirational Individuals, 2015