
The MediSked Blog

Elizabeth Chatterton

Elizabeth Chatterton is the Inbound Marketing Specialist at MediSked. She is an avid writer and a social media enthusiast.
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5 Must-Follow Resources for ID/DD Service Providers in 2015

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Fri, Jan 16, 2015 @ 09:37 AM

Here at MediSked, we make it a priority to stay well-connected and keep our team up-to-date on all of the most recent industry news.

With years of searching, reading, subscribing, unsubscribing, sharing tips, and swapping articles with like-minded advocates under our collective belts, we’ve learned a few things about who’s who, what’s what, and where one can turn for the best information. To keep all of that valuable knowledge to ourselves would just be impolite, so we’ve crafted this list of five great online resources that you should definitely follow in 2015.

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Tags: Best Practices, 2015