Today, March 21st, is World Down Syndrome Day. The date (3/21) was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome, and
Initially created to raise awareness of what Down syndrome is, what it means to have Down syndrome, and how people with Down syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities, it's the perfect opportunity to create a single global voice for advocating for the rights, inclusion and well being of people with Down syndrome.
Below are two graphics perfect for social media sharing, in case you'd like to let everyone in your network know about the occasion. Make it a good one!

The MediSked Blog
Elizabeth Chatterton
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Tags: Inclusion
Meet the MediSked Person-Centered Portal
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:44 PM
- If you haven't seen our new Person-Centered Portal Page yet, you're really missing out.
We just recently added it to our website, as our progressive new portal is officially available! Agencies using MediSked Connect or MediSked Coordinate can choose to use it ontop of their existing system to give individuals and their families a whole new way to participate in the direction and approval of their supports and services.
We're incredibly proud and excited to offer this option, as our team has worked incredibly hard to build a truly (and very literally) person-centered portal that allows individuals and their circles of support to be more informed and more involved when it comes to their own lives.
From making assessments, plans, and health records readily available to giving individuals the ability to approve their own service notes and send secure messages to anyone on their care team, it gives people (and their families) more of a say.
It's always nice to think that your work is making a difference in the world- and with the release of this portal, we have no doubt that we're changing things for the better!
Make sure to check out the actual portal page to learn more. -
Tags: Person-Centered Services
Disability Twitter: How the World's Largest Minority is Speaking Out & Being Heard
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Thu, Mar 10, 2016 @ 01:01 PM
Tags: Advocacy
Want to Do Something Productive During Developmental Disability Awareness Month? Here's an Idea
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Mar 07, 2016 @ 02:51 PM
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Awareness is an extremely important and incredibly powertful thing - but unless you're a large organization with a lot of resources, it's really hard to create it. Right?
Read MoreTags: Inclusion