Holiday season is among us and it is a busy next few weeks before the end of the year. Remember to take some time to relax, sit by the fire, drink some hot cocoa, and catch up on industry related news!
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The MediSked Blog
Linda Nakagawa
Recent Posts
When agencies begin to think about a switch from a paper based system to an electronic health record, many worry that their employees' may not have the proper fluency and experience with using technology. One of our clients shared a best practice for easing the transition to technology for employees who have limited technology skills.
Read MoreTags: Best Practices, Technology, Connect, 2017
The Resource Exchange (TRE) is an incredible agency in Colorado Springs, Colorado that supports over 4,400 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with a staff of almost 300 employees. TRE is implementing MediSked Connect - Agency Management Platform and MediSked Portal - Person-Centered Portal for the following programs: early intervention, community coordination/case management, supported living services, and their family services support program.
Read MoreThe Arc Convention: Emphasis on Valuing Employees
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Fri, Nov 03, 2017 @ 12:43 PM
Hello from The Arc's National Convention! Some members of the MediSked team are in sunny San Diego learning about important issues affecting the disability community.
Read MoreTags: Executive Leadership, 2017