The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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MediSked News Roundup 6/9/14: VA HCB Services in Danger of Being Cut
Posted by Mike Holihan on Mon, Jun 09, 2014 @ 09:45 AM
Tags: ID/DD News, Medicaid
How are you leading change by implementing Developmental Disabilities software?
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Jun 05, 2014 @ 10:12 AM
As an executive of a provider agency, you have a lot of responsibilities. One of the primary responsibilities of any executive is to ensure the longevity of your agency so that you can continue providing the advocacy and services your community relies on. With that, the need for better management of your operations, services, staff in order to maintain or grow the quality of your services will ultimately take you down a path to developmental disabilities software or an agency management platform. This is the electronic records solution for your agency. And by leading the change to electronic records you are being a good steward to your agency. However, this post is less about the software and more about actions that you as an executive can do to create a positive culture of change as your agency goes "digital". This is often overlooked and as someone who has witnessed agency implementations time and again, in my opinion this is the most important part. So how are you leading change? Here are some quick tips to ensure you are leading the right way. For the full list, download our e-report on change management below.
Tags: Change Management
Weekly News Roundup 6/2/14: Ohio's Imagination Initiative
Posted by Mike Holihan on Mon, Jun 02, 2014 @ 09:53 AM
Here's a look at some stories of interest making headlines in DD provider communities across the country.
The beauty of an all in one I/DD EHR, or Agency Management Platform, is that you get the benefits of managing records, plans and services notes along with the ability to bill right in the system for your claims. We know first hand that billing manually for service hours is a monumental task that takes days, upon weeks to complete. By bringing the billing function into an I/DD EHR, you eliminate a ton of paperwork and increase your accuracy. Here are the top 4 billing features in an I/DD EHR: