The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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Tips for accessing technology in home and community based services
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Aug 08, 2013 @ 10:33 AM
Access to technology in home and community based services needs to be flexible and relatively inexpensive to incorporate all employees onto a single platform. One of the unique things about using technology in this space, is that your employees are not all reporting to an office and logging into a computer at a desk. They may never report to an office! They are out in the community or at homes or job sites. Because of this, mobility of technology cannot be stressed enough. We have listed the best technology options per type of service below. If you are looking at a software solution, be sure to include in the total cost the amount of extra money that is needed purchase the devices to access the software with. This will give you a better overall view of your investment.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Technology
Why you need your service plans and treatment plans electronic
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Aug 06, 2013 @ 10:42 AM
If your agency is still clinging to paper service plans and treatment plans, then you are missing out on some big benefits. As I will write in this post, there's no good reason to continue with paper plans when electronic versions offer so much in terms of value to you and your clients. Like many other industries that have gone paperless, from your dentist's office to your auto mechanic, the benefits are too great to ignore. Service plans and treatment plans are especially important to get electronic for providers because these are the guiding documents that determine the type and intensity of service for your clients. It is why you are in business. Here's the reasons why you need these service plans and treament plans electronic
Take a sneak peek at MediSked Connect's new look
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Jul 25, 2013 @ 09:49 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies