
The MediSked Blog

Mike Holihan

Mike Holihan is MediSked's Director of Sales & Marketing. He has authored over 200 blog posts on the topics of technology and DD services and speaks nationally in the space.

Recent Posts

Alaska Medicaid in breach of HIPAA Security

Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Jun 29, 2012 @ 08:57 AM

We came across this story yesterday in which a portable storage device (USB drive) containing Protected Health Information (PHI) of their Medicaid beneficiaries was stolen from an Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) employee.  The Alaska DHSS now has $1.7 million fine on their hands as a result.  Having security and access controls to electronic health records is of the utmost importance and not having those controls violates the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996 and more recently, the Health Information Technology For Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.  We highlight this instance because security of PHI cannot be stressed enough and if PHI is contained outside of a protected and certified platform, like MediSked Connect, agencies run a serious risk of having client information compromised.  MediSked employs the same security measures on its site that a major bank would and for good reason. 

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Tags: Documentation, HIPAA

Top Ten Questions we get asked - #10 Do all of my staff have to use this?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Jun 22, 2012 @ 09:14 AM

If we had a nickel for every time we hear this one!  The answer is yes and no.  To fully utilize an agency management platform like Connect, having every employee log into the system and do their notes or whatever their job requires them to do will make the agency tremendously more efficient than it would be if it were using a paper system.  You would be drastically reducing the amount of paperwork and time to collect and organize the paperwork, as well as have all of your documentation forever connected to an audited shift.  With that being said, some agencies still prefer to have their field staff use paper and bring in an AMP at the point of billing.  There is no one right way to use a system like Connect, however there is a most efficient way and that is getting everyone involved.

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Tags: Executive Leadership, Staff Management

What is an AMP?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jun 19, 2012 @ 09:19 AM

There are so many software products targeted to specific purposes in this industry, it’s hard to understand and keep track of what they all actually do.  “If I go with one system, will I still need to use other systems in tandem?”  “We bought this system to handle one function and we think it can do more, but we don’t know what it can and can’t do.”  These are comments we hear from provider agencies that are wading through the massive amount of disconnected software products on the market.  Our software is described as an Agency Management Platform.  The services that you are providing now can be centralized and managed through it.  By consolidating this information, you will be reducing duplicate keypunching, human errors and bad data.  Connecting data and systems in a real-time platform will lead to reduced costs, easier maintenance and safeguards, as well as turn your agency into an industry leader integrating best practices and the latest technologies. 

To make an informed decision about investing in technology that will be part of the fabric of your agency, you need to know what’s inside – what an agency management platform contains and doesn’t contain.  We’ve made it as simple as reading the ingredients of a cereal box, because you shouldn’t have to have a degree in Computer Science to know what you’re buying!  Below is how Connect is defined as an agency management platform:

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Tags: Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News


Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Jun 14, 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Welcome to our new website! We are proud and excited to be introducing our new site and new look that better reflects who we are and what we mean to our customers.  Our goal is to build collaborative, long term partnerships with our customers and be the technology and compliance guide necessary to overcome your day to day operational challenges and also allow you the ability to keep your focus on providing outstanding care to the individuals you serve.  We will be using this blog as our tool to help educate provider agencies on technology, overcoming organizational challenges that are unique to this industry, topics relating to the individuals you serve as well as compliance and regulatory matters.  These are challenging times for provider agencies as you push for greater advocacy and comprehensive support for your clients, while the states that fund these services face serious fiscal deficits.  We know that a connected and efficient provider agency is in the best position to weather change.  We look forward to providing tips, insights and education to help provider agencies maximize their potential and stay on the cutting edge of an ever changing industry.

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