The annual PAR Solutions Conference was last week in Harrisburg, PA. PAR was incorporated in 1970 as a statewide, not-for-profit organization. PAR members provide the full range of supports and services to more than 47,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities, including over 8,000 children and adults living with autism, in over 8,100 locations. The yearly conference gives all its members a chance to meet with one another and share ideas between
agencies. MediSked has been a partner and member of PAR for several years and had the honor of being a vendor at this year’s conference. The highlights for me this year and every conference I attend is meeting the people and showing them MediSked Connect.

The MediSked Blog
Tony Conte
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Inspiration from NYSARC's 64th Annual Convention
Posted by Tony Conte on Mon, Oct 21, 2013 @ 02:54 PM
As the 64th Annual NYSARC Convention came to a close for the exhibitors Friday night I couldn’t help but look back and be inspired by the exhibitors and luncheon speaker. From the stunning art that was being displayed by the various NYSARC Chapters across New York State to the amazing story of John Robinson who had us all in awe as he told his story of perseverance and hope.
Tags: Advocacy
Hopefully everyone has caught up on their sleep and has rested their aching feet from all that walking. The NJACP’s 29th Annual Conference “Synergy in Motion” was delayed due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy to the Jersey Shore. I was happy to see that although delayed the NJACP staff, attendees and vendors were more prepared than ever.