MediSked is headquartered in Rochester, NY – which just happens to be Abby Wambach’s hometown.
On Sunday night, I (along with most of the city/US) beamed with pride as we watched our girl and her National Team defeat Japan 5-2, to win the World Cup.

The MediSked Blog
Lessons Every Advocate Should Learn from Gay Rights & Abby Wambach
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Jul 07, 2015 @ 08:30 AM
Tags: ID/DD News, Advocacy, 2015
What Does "Person Centered Planning & Services" Mean To You?
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, May 05, 2015 @ 04:27 PM
Yesterday, I was in Washington DC for the ANCOR Ignite! conference.
MediSked is an ANCOR Gold Sponsor and we were an exhibitor too, so Mike and I spent most of our time staffing our table and sharing the MediSked story. We did manage to sneak away (one at a time) to catch some of the speakers and presentations, though - and I couldn't be more grateful for that.
I chose to attend the "Person-Centered Services: A Meaningful Life Full of Possibilities" talk, presented by 21-year old Dakota Johns.
Dakota really put the motivation in motivational speaking. He was a charismatic, inspiring, and incredibly fun(ny) presenter.
He’s a hardworking college student majoring in Communications and minoring in Video Production – and he also owns two businesses (Dakota’s Amazing Animals Pet Sitting & Dakota Speaks.) An aspiring sports broadcaster, an accomplished athlete, an actor who has starred in commercials, and an advocate for those with developmental disabilities – Dakota also has Down Syndrome.
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Delay in Christie’s “Return Home New Jersey” Considered Win for Disabled
Posted by Tony Conte on Tue, Apr 07, 2015 @ 02:41 PM
A Bergen County assemblywoman has agreed to hold off on controversial amendments to a bill that parents of adult children with developmental disabilities fear would do more harm than good. It's a small victory that many are celebrating.
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Tags: ID/DD News, Advocacy