From New York to North Carolina, we've been helping provider agencies navigate as their states move state medicaid waivers over to a managed care model. There is always a shared sense of anxiety with providers as what this move ultimately means for their agency as well as the people they serve. It's no secret that Medicaid is a major issue in our country and as states try to find ways to save costs, the trend to managed care will grow.

The MediSked Blog
Gotta have a DD Services System when transitioning to managed care
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Sep 26, 2013 @ 08:30 AM
Tags: Person-Centered Services, Managed Care, Affordable Care Act
MediSked, LLC recently celebrated its 10 year Anniversary. A big thank you goes out to all who made it possible from the dedicated employees to the incredible agencies we work with. MediSked, LLC hopes to continue on the path of success, with the sky being the limit. While we embrace this, please take a moment and look over this week’s articles, as President Doug Golub said, we are all the reason for success; so let us stay informed for continued achievement!
Tags: ID/DD News, Affordable Care Act, Advocacy