-Clinical in Nature. EMRs are not intended for the unique requirements of a waiver provider agency. Instead it is for more clinical agencies. Most EMRs are off the shelf, which means that it is intended to be used as-is, without a lot of modifications. A typical provider agency would have to make many modifications based on their unique workflows and demands.
-Episodes of Care. EMRs are a system that’s based on a workflow that clearly has a beginning, middle and end. It is clinical by nature, so the focus is on records management and the creation and documentation of patient assessments and treatment plans on the front end. The work flow clearly follows a path that an agency would treat the “patient” and eventually discharge them. In fact most have a module called Discharge and Transfer Management. We all know that with an Agency Management Platform, the workflow is about providing a lifetime of service and support to the individuals they serve. Goal plans and service notes replace assessments and treatments and managing employees to help individuals reach fulfilled lives are what is important in our system. The bottom line: a provider agency would have a bunch of modules and workflows that have no relevance to them or they would have to change some of their processes to fit the system- which is risky and costly.
-Disconnected schedules and shifts. Because EMRs are not targeted to provider agencies, they don’t treat their schedules or appointments, clients, employees and service programs in the same capacity as an AMP. Most have schedules that seem more like an Outlook calendar where you can schedule “events” with a client similar to scheduling a meeting in Outlook but those “events” don’t bring billable hours, service notes, and pay rates together. With most EMRs, it seems like everything is floating on its own, whereas AMPs tightly integrate everything through its platform to ensure tight audit controls, premium service delivery, and trackable payroll and billing information. Most don’t mention anything about error free scheduling- the ability to eliminate double bookings or unqualified staff which an AMP schedule engine does. This goes back to the fact that the average clinical agency that an EMR is serving does not have the home and community based schedules that a provider agency has.
-Not focused on waiver specific compliance. Another big piece of an Agency Management Platform is the compliance packs that come standard. So an agency using an AMP is always in compliance with all federal, state and local requirements automatically. Both from a billing and documentation standpoint. This is huge for Medicaid supported services, which is our focus. That is not a focus with EMRs.
-Paying for irrelevant functionality. There are some similar functionalities when it comes to certain things like their billing – both EMRs and AMPs integrate with general ledger and payroll software, reporting, HIPAA security measures, we’re also SureScripts certified for e-prescribing. EMRs are more medically slanted, which doesn’t really benefit most provider agencies and it definitely takes the cost of a much higher. Both offer medications management but it’s not a focus for us or most of our customers.
Ultimately, most EMRs are geared for agencies that deal with episodes of care that have a beginning and an end. Agency Management Platforms are completely built around supporting agencies that provide a continuum, or lifetime, of care. That affects the functionality and purpose of the software as explained above.