The MediSked Blog
Tags: Billing, Change Management, Compliance, Documentation, Direct Support Professionals, Provider Agencies, 2014, Data, MediSked Company News, Paperless / Cloud Based
Check out the stories we are watching this week at MediSked!
Posted by Brian White on Wed, Feb 19, 2014 @ 05:22 PM
Tags: 2014, Home and Community Based Services, MediSked Company News
Adding value by adding technology in home and community based services
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Feb 13, 2014 @ 09:00 AM
Is your agency wired for the future? Forget for a second about purchasing an agency management platform, that's not what this blog post is about. Instead, I want to focus on adding technology in home and community based services in general terms. In terms of your clients actually using technology to achieve goals and outcomes. Today, there's no getting around it - if you want to be a beacon in your community for DD services you're going to have to step into the 21st century and invest in technology and have staff that understand how to use the latest and greatest gadgets. Here are some areas that you can incorporate into your services:
Tags: MediSked Company News, Technology