Technology has made its way into most facets of our lives, from smart boards in our schools, to ipad menus at airport restaurants, to personal assistant devices running our homes. The idea behind most of these products is to make life easier and more efficient. In each industry there is a race to create the newest, most innovative products to address certain issues and to ultimately provide the end user with more control.
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The MediSked Blog
Driving Person-Centeredness with Increased Visibility
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Tue, Mar 13, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Tags: Person-Centered Services, Person-Centered Portal, 2018
Meet the MediSked Person-Centered Portal
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, Mar 16, 2016 @ 12:44 PM
- If you haven't seen our new Person-Centered Portal Page yet, you're really missing out.
We just recently added it to our website, as our progressive new portal is officially available! Agencies using MediSked Connect or MediSked Coordinate can choose to use it ontop of their existing system to give individuals and their families a whole new way to participate in the direction and approval of their supports and services.
We're incredibly proud and excited to offer this option, as our team has worked incredibly hard to build a truly (and very literally) person-centered portal that allows individuals and their circles of support to be more informed and more involved when it comes to their own lives.
From making assessments, plans, and health records readily available to giving individuals the ability to approve their own service notes and send secure messages to anyone on their care team, it gives people (and their families) more of a say.
It's always nice to think that your work is making a difference in the world- and with the release of this portal, we have no doubt that we're changing things for the better!
Make sure to check out the actual portal page to learn more. -
Tags: Person-Centered Services
Software Has Evolved to Be More Person-Centered. Have You?
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Jan 19, 2016 @ 04:55 PM
Our software is not what it used to be. In a good way.
On an even larger scale, the I/DD space isn't what it used to be. And saying that makes me vey happy - because let's be honest, it wasn't a very good (or person-centered) space in the past.
We certainly still have a long way to go - but these days, everything is trending towards a less institutional approach that's more focused on the individuals being served. As it should be.
The assessment we helped to build for New York State's move to managed care is titled "It's All About Me" and it really and truly is all about the person being assessed. It aims to find out what their goals are, what makes them happy, what soap they prefer, and all kinds of other details that will help them live better, happier lives.
Our new care coordination software, MediSked Coordinate, was designed with the input of some of the leading minds in person-centered supports to ensure that care plans are being executed in a way that is focused entirely on the individuals being supported and their unique needs.
Our agency management platform (AMP), MediSked Connect is more person-centered than ever too. Every quarter we're releasing new features that prompt our users to be more aware of who they're working with, what their goals are, what makes them happy, and what's happening in their lives.
Our end goal is to build world-class software that ensures that everyone supporting an individual is focused on that person - not the job or the paperwork.
The future isn't coming - it's here. And we're doing everything we can to lead the way in the technology space. Is your agency doing everything it can to be more person-centered in your approach? What changes have you made? How will you make sure you're ready when the Final Rule is fully implemented?
We're always thinking of ways to get better, do better, and be better - and it's helping us make some really important changes in the world. It's not hard to do what's right - it just takes an open mind and a little bit of effort and enthusiasm.
Won't you join us?
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Tags: Person-Centered Services
A lesson in empathy: How parents feel about "letting go"
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, Dec 30, 2015 @ 02:21 PM
Tags: Person-Centered Services, 2015