According to comScore Reports, 129.4 million Americans owned a smart as of January this year. As smartphone adoption continues to grow, the demand and ability for your employees to document service provision via a mobile device will also grow. And if you're using an agency management platform, this change in how documentation is recorded will be an easy one. Now, it should be noted that providing smartphones to all of your employees may not be the answer. If you read our report on technology investments, we lay out a couple of different options. But, if you think arming your staff with mobile devices or even allowing them to use their own is an option, here are 3 ways that mobile documentation is better than paper.

The MediSked Blog
3 Ways Mobile Documentation is Better than Paper
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, May 21, 2013 @ 09:08 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, Mobile, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based
4 Signs it's Time for a Computer System at your DD Agency
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, May 16, 2013 @ 09:02 AM
In our last post we talked about the risk of getting fined for an audit because of incorrect or missing documentation. Getting fined is a very good impetus to move to a computer system for your dd agency. But, unless you enjoy feeling the pain of a fine, there are other signs that it might be time to go electronic.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based
In Maryland, poorly documented HCBS services leads to fines
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, May 14, 2013 @ 09:22 AM
It doesn't take long to find recent examples of agencies and states that are getting audited and fined for undocumented or insufficient documentation of HCBS services. The most recent example comes from the state of Maryland. This comes from the OIG report that was released last month through the Deputy General Inspector's office. The summary states:
Tags: Compliance, Provider Agencies, Medicaid
Getting your ROI on home and community based services software
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, May 09, 2013 @ 10:26 AM
When thinking about using software for your agency, the first step is obviously asking why. Why would we move to an agency management platform? What is the benefit that we hope to realize? The next question is usually at what cost am I willing to spend to realize this benefit? And then the value proposition is made. An important component in this process is understanding as specifically as possible what the return on your investment should look like. How can you measure whether or not you made a good investment? Buying software is different than buying a car or a printer. For those items you can physically touch them and you have a pretty concrete idea of exactly what you will be doing with it. Software is less tangible in that sense and to understand it's value you have to look at the outcomes and uses for how that software will help you become more efficient or more compliant or provide better service. Hopefully this post will help clear up this area for if you are looking for software and we will look at both the short term and long term ROI propositions.