
The MediSked Blog

MediSked Tapped to Present Technology Strategies to Disability Provider Agencies at NAQ Conference

Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Aug 08, 2012 @ 02:00 PM

MediSked, the nation’s leader in Agency Management Platform solutions for Disability Provider Agencies, will present on Transitioning to Paperless Using Technology at the 17th Annual NAQ Conference.

Rochester, NY (PRWEB) Aug 6, 2012 – MediSked, LLC has served disability provider agencies for over ten years by providing web based solutions to manage the operations, records, billing, and HR functionalities within provider agencies. They will share their knowledge on the benefits and challenges of transitioning to technology in a presentation at the NAQ Conference entitled “Transitioning to Paperless: How Technology Assists in Improving Care and Maintaining Compliance While Reducing Costs”

NAQ is the National Association of Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals. NAQ was formed in 1996 to establish a strong resource for research, networking and addressing issues that concern Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals (QDDP) today. A chief concern amongst professionals is managing and navigating through the changing regulatory environment that surrounds them as most agencies are funded through Medicaid waivers. Managing Medicaid dollars efficiently and effectively to provide the highest quality of care to the individuals they serve has become more difficult in recent years as state budgets have seen significant cuts and regulations have grown. A survey conducted by MediSked, LLC to over 1,200 respondents shows that less than 13% of provider agencies use a comprehensive software solution to manage their electronic records and operational data. Brian White, Business Development Manager at MediSked, has been asked by NAQ to discuss the benefits and challenges that face provider agencies in transitioning from paper based systems to a complete web based platform.

“This is a turning point in the home and community based service industry. Disability Provider Agencies have more pressure than ever to be ultra- efficient with Medicaid dollars. At the same time, the demand for real time data on the individuals they serve and the staff serving them will only increase,” stated Brian White. “It’s about making technology work in an easy to use format that’s highly accessible and captures all of the operational moving parts to agencies serving the developmentally disabled.”

For more information on the 17th Annual NAQ conference, please visit Agencies looking for information on using technology to reduce costs, increase capacity, perform better in the event of an audit and increase the quality of care can visit MediSked at or call 866-633-4753.
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Tags: Provider Agencies, Medicaid, MediSked Company News, Technology

OIG Audit uncovers inadequate exclusion controls in Colorado

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jul 31, 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Below is a link to an Office of the Inspector General’s report that was just released concerning the State of Colorado and some unallowable payments made to agencies that employed people on the exclusion list. Exclusion list check functionality is built into the Connect Platform – allowing agencies to seamlessly run checks against their list of employees while never having to leaving Connect. If an employee comes up on the check, their record is flagged.

Please read below for the full report on Colorado.
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Tags: Compliance, Provider Agencies, Medicaid, Home and Community Based Services, Staff Management

Top Ten Questions We Get Asked - #7 Who else is using you?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Jul 27, 2012 @ 02:12 PM

We get asked this question a lot when we are out meeting with agencies. Having a list of references that you can call to get real, unbiased feedback is a great way to get a full picture of the company and the product that you are interested in. You also might have questions about how the software works with agencies of your size or that offer similar types of services. It’s important to see if there are any other customers that are similar to you in those aspects. These are common concerns that are alleviated only when an agency speaks to other agencies of similar size or scope using the product.
We encourage anyone looking at our product to reach out to customer references because we understand this is a natural and oftentimes required step in making a decision. On the flip side, if you request a list of references from a vendor and they avoid giving you customers to call – this is a major red flag.
Commonly, the root of the question when an agency asks “Who else is using MediSked” is that they want to know that our customer base is comprised of other agencies that are providing similar services, face similar challenges, and have similar document and business workflows. One of the things that makes MediSked unique is that our only focus is on provider agencies and our software was created specifically to handle the unique workflows, services and challenges that these agencies face. There are other products on the market that are being targeted to not only you, but entirely different types of agencies. The product is focused more generally and oftentimes, agencies have to “fit” into the software instead of the other way – the software fitting the agency.
The moral of the story here is that this question is very common and very important. Getting customer references and understanding if the software product you’re interested in is being sold to other populations should give you a comfort level (or discomfort level) on the intangibles of the product and the company. This is the critical information that you will never find in the product brochure!
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Tags: Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News

Epilepsy Foundation's Salt City Walk

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Jul 19, 2012 @ 02:14 PM

This past Saturday, a group of us at MediSked volunteered our time with one of our customers, The Epilepsy Foundation, and participated in their Salt City Walk. Over 300 people came out to show their support for Epilepsy Foundation and walked the 3 mile route along Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, NY. The weather was hot, but that didn’t stop all of the walkers and the great enthusiasm on display by all. For more information on the event and the Epilepsy Foundation of Rochester-Syracuse-Binghamton, please visit their site here.? If you are a MediSked customer and have an event coming up, please let us know – we’d love to attend and show our support!

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Tags: Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News