There are a lot of factors and forces that come into play when making the switch to an Agency Management Platform. One of the consistent forces is security and compliance. This is not to say that you can't have a world class compliance and quality assurance program at your agency with manual and paper based methods. You can and I've witnessed them firsthand. But, compliance and QA goes beyond coming out of a clean audit. While that's very important and software can absolutely help make that process more efficient, it's also important to look at the security of your clients' protected health information and private data that's only meant for the eyes of certain qualified employees. So whether you just failed an audit and your manual methods are in disarray, or you run a tight ship and every 'i' is dotted and 't' crossed, there are still areas that a HIPAA compliant Agency Management Platform can help with. Let's take a look.

The MediSked Blog
Comparing your manual audit controls against HIPAA Compliant software?
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Nov 13, 2014 @ 02:00 PM
Tags: Compliance, Provider Agencies, HIPAA
Tags: Provider Agencies, ID/DD News
The Latest Trends in State Medicaid Waiver Services
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Oct 02, 2014 @ 09:00 AM
In a follow up to last month's blog post regarding a recent study that was co-sponsored by the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities and the University of Illinois at Chicago's Department of Disability and Human Development, this post is going to focus on the study as it relates to state trends.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Medicaid, Waiver Services