In this blog we focus a lot of attention on how agency management platforms can help the administrative function of an agency. ROI and workflow efficiencies are nice benefits to using software, but what about what really matters? How does a hosted software solution (aka cloud based; meaning it is accessed through the internet) help what you have dedicated your life to - providing the highest quality of care to the individuals you serve? Can the cloud make the lives of people better? Our answer is yes, it can. Below are a list of examples of how cloud based software for providers can give your employees access to information instantly, wherever they are. The cloud takes records out the filing cabinets and puts them at the point of care where they belong. Let's look at some examples.

The MediSked Blog
How cloud based software for providers helps quality of care
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jun 04, 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based
Getting your ROI on home and community based services software
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, May 09, 2013 @ 10:26 AM
When thinking about using software for your agency, the first step is obviously asking why. Why would we move to an agency management platform? What is the benefit that we hope to realize? The next question is usually at what cost am I willing to spend to realize this benefit? And then the value proposition is made. An important component in this process is understanding as specifically as possible what the return on your investment should look like. How can you measure whether or not you made a good investment? Buying software is different than buying a car or a printer. For those items you can physically touch them and you have a pretty concrete idea of exactly what you will be doing with it. Software is less tangible in that sense and to understand it's value you have to look at the outcomes and uses for how that software will help you become more efficient or more compliant or provide better service. Hopefully this post will help clear up this area for if you are looking for software and we will look at both the short term and long term ROI propositions.
MediSked at the ANCOR 2013 Conference : Because We All Matter
Posted by Brian White on Mon, May 06, 2013 @ 10:40 AM
Tags: Compliance, Managed Care, MediSked Company News, Technology
A Guide to Technology Investments with DD Provider Software
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Apr 18, 2013 @ 10:23 AM
One of the biggest areas of concern when looking at dd provider software is the cost. The cost of the software is obviously important in the decision making process but to zoom out, what does the investment look like in terms of purchasing computers, tablets and smartphones? Also, what type of technology works best in home and community based settings? With our experience, we have seen the type of technology that works best in the different settings. Again, it's not just the software that's important - how your employees access it is crucial as well. Below is a guide to help you understand the type of technology investments you'll need with dd provider software, or more commonly known as agency management platforms.