
The MediSked Blog

5 Signs Your DD Agency Desperately Needs Human Services Software

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Mar 09, 2015 @ 03:59 PM


1. Sitting down to “catch up on paperwork” looks a little something like this

Binders bursting at the seams, piles of loose papers, and rooms full of filing cabinets will be a distant memory once you switch to an Agency Management Platform. Using cloud-based software eliminates the need for printed paper copies of records, makes all of your billing electronic, and saves a whole lot of time and forests full of trees.


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Tags: Billing, Compliance, Documentation, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based

The 6 Myths I/DD Providers Should Ignore When Purchasing Software

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Dec 04, 2014 @ 08:52 AM

Having been in the human services software business for over a decade, we here at MediSked know that finding and understanding the right software solution for your agency can be no small task.  There are a lot of ways to manage your agency’s data, documentation and billing and if you’re new to looking for a software solution, this can be an overwhelming feat.  We also hear a lot rumors and half truths from providers about software that they have heard from the grapevine.  At the end of the day, you deserve to know what's fact and what's fiction in order for you to make the most informed decision possble for your agency.  Here are the 6 most common myths we encounter.

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Tags: Provider Agencies, Electronic Signatures, Paperless / Cloud Based

Why you should be in the cloud at your provider agency

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Nov 20, 2014 @ 09:59 AM

Does this picture look familiar to anyone that manages the IT at an agency?  If you so, you are not alone!  It's very common at a human service agency to have the IT operations shunned to a back corner of the office and given an empty closet to store all of your computer servers.  And very quickly this closet becomes your oasis - your happy place that very few people you work with appreciate!  Maybe you go in the server closet once a day to just check everything or do some back ups.  Maybe you go in there just to hear the gentle humming of the fans and relax your mind. Maybe you even take your lunch break in the server closet (this is not recommended!).  In any case, the server closet is your domain.  So knowing that, this headline might instantly make you defensive.  Listen, if anyone understands and appreciates the server closet, it's us!  We don't want to take away your happy place, but we do want to open your mind to the possibilities of what a cloud based dd provider software can do for your agency and the risks you mitigate by having it hosted in the cloud.  By the end of this blog post, my goal is to have you looking at your server closet in a new light - it's still your happy place but maybe it doesn't have all of those servers, just one.  What if you could fit a comfy chair in there?  Maybe you really could eat lunch in there, with a guest!  Let's find out how this is possible.

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Tags: Paperless / Cloud Based

MediSked Connect, are you just using your computer for Facebook?

Posted by Brian White on Fri, Mar 21, 2014 @ 06:20 PM

If a person from 1900 showed up today and asked you, what was the most amazing advancement that you have witnessed, what would you say?

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Tags: 2014, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based