
The MediSked Blog

Elizabeth Chatterton

Elizabeth Chatterton is the Inbound Marketing Specialist at MediSked. She is an avid writer and a social media enthusiast.
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Recent Posts

5 Cloud Computing Cartoons To Lighten The Mood

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Mar 31, 2015 @ 02:31 PM

Making the switch to electronic records and cloud-based software can be a bit daunting - especially if you're not entirely sure what - or where- "the cloud" is. 

Thankfully, it's something that's easy to learn - and fun to joke about once you're up to speed. 

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Introducing the MediSked Connect Provider Agency Referral Program

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Mar 24, 2015 @ 08:55 AM

Today we launched a brand new Referral Program and we couldnt be more excited. 

From day one, MediSked's growth and distinction in the I/DD space has been largely powered by word of mouth recommendations.

People who work at agencies tend to network with people from other agencies. So when the time comes to make a large decision (like purchasing ftware) - they talk to one another. They ask questions.. They give recommendations. It's always been incredibly valuable information - for the person that's researching software. 

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NJ Proposes Emergency "Gold Alert" System for Missing Persons with Disabilities

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Mar 23, 2015 @ 04:04 PM

 You've heard of an Amber Alert - but a Gold Alert? 

It's a real thing that's happening in New Jersey right now - and it makes total sense. A NJ state Senate panel recently voted in favor of a bill that would establish an alert system to rapidly disseminate information about a missing person with mental, intellectual, or developmental disabilites. 

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Ireland Leads the World in Research on the ID Population and Aging

Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, Mar 17, 2015 @ 03:35 PM

Today is St. Patrick's Day and I wanted to find a cute, inspiring story with ties to Ireland to share. But when I started searching for something warm, fuzzy, and Irish -  what I ended up finding was far more profound. 

Last year, Trinity College in Dublin performed a study called Advancing Years, Different Challenges to highlight the serious, complex and often times unique challenges facing Ireland’s intellectual disability population as they age.

Because these individuals are aging. And a lot of them are aging - all at once. 

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Tags: ID/DD News, 2015