
The MediSked Blog

Mike Holihan

Mike Holihan is MediSked's Director of Sales & Marketing. He has authored over 200 blog posts on the topics of technology and DD services and speaks nationally in the space.

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Top Ten Questions we get asked - #9 How long does it take to set up?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Jan 04, 2017 @ 07:16 PM

To get your agency set up on a platform like MediSked Connect is not the same as buying a software product, such as Microsoft Office, and installing in on your computer, opening up the application and immediately begin using it.  Typically, it takes  4 – 6 months to get set up and here’s why.


Getting to know your agency.  Software that you can buy right out of the box is great for applications like word processing or spreadsheets.  When it comes to a system that will manage a majority of the functions at your agency, software out of the box is sure to disappoint.  We have been working with provider agencies for ten years and can honestly say that no two customers are the same.  It’s important for us to get to know your agency – how it runs, the documents you use, and the specific functions that you need the system to perform in order for it to be a success.  Through this discovery process, we begin to get familiar with your agency and you with us.  This relationship building process is critical because we are going to be able to better recommend ways to set up the system knowing your preferences and as a result be a better support to you once you go live (even *gasp* know you by name!).  You only get out of the system what you put in and this step is crucial in the set up process.

Knowledge transfer.  Another key philosophy we have is that we shouldn’t be the experts that you have to turn to every time you need to change or do something in the system.  It’s like the old proverb says: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  Our approach is to make a group of your staff members MediSked Connect experts so that you become self- sufficient and empowered with our product.  The Premier Knowledge Transfer process is a process that teaches members of your agency how to use and run the system as we are implementing it so that by the time it’s ready to go live, you have a core group that knows the product inside and out and can train the rest of your staff and any new hires into the future.

Compliance.  Because our solution manages the electronic billing and records of the agency, being 100% compliant to the local, state and federal mandates is necessary.  We have a dedicated compliance team that is always watching for new legislation or mandates that have an effect on how provider agencies document and bill for their services.  Making sure your system is 100% compliant before you go live is an absolute requirement for this category of software.

Testing.  The final step in the process is to test the system before you actually go live to make sure everything is working properly.  We are diligent in the testing stage because you don’t want to go live and find out your billing isn’t being accepted, for example.  A dry run or “dress rehearsal” is good for the staff as well – so they can see how the system works in a real environment but still have us there to ask questions and get comfortable with process.


We get really excited when we see our customers, who before engaging with us were not comfortable with technology, embrace the system and get really good at it.  One of the most common things we hear when we visit with our customers is “I don’t even remember how we used to do this before we started working with you.”  Installing a new technology is often viewed as a daunting task.  Sometimes it’s the case where you can’t even visualize how it happens.  Our job is to be there with you every step of the way and use our tried and true process to get your agency onboard.  By letting us do the heavy “tech” lifting, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by bringing in a new technology and ultimately you will be very comfortable with the technology once the process is over.



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Tags: Change Management, Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News

Data Digest Deep Dive: Employment

Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Oct 28, 2015 @ 09:19 AM

It's no secret that one of the biggest challenges facing providers and states today is the transition of day programs into vocational or employment programs.  Finding gainful employment for someone with I/DD is no easy task, heck finding gainful employment in general is no easy task! A lot has been written about this topic on both sides.  There are advocates for sheltered employment and states looking for ways to integrate agency run sheltered employment more in the community and there are those on the other side that want to do away with these types of programs and only focus on employment in the community with non-agency run businesses.  Experts across the board all agree that exposing kids at an early age in high school to employment opportunities will go a long way in helping shift the huge unemployment hole that currently exists for people with I/DD.  These experts argue that if kids are not exposed to jobs, then how will they know what they want to do when they grow up?  Where will the drive to work come from? 

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Tags: Home and Community Based Services, 2015

MediSked Connect Releases New Person Centered Features

Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Oct 23, 2015 @ 10:31 AM

In light of CMS's recent mandate for states to be more person-centered with their I/DD HCBS Waiver Services, including more self determination and community inclusion, Connect has released a suite of features in their fall release schedule to help providers themselves become more person-centered.  These features bring into focus the people they support across all employees and programs and make it easier for everyone at your agency to know your individuals better and foster better relationships with them.  They also bring the individual's natural supports into light more.  If we're truly being person-centered then we want everyone in that person's circle of support to be informed and communicating about the supports that are being delivered.  In this day in age where it's second nature to assume we have rights to our medical information through digital portals, how can we not say the same about the people's rights to their information who are receiving supports through provider agencies?  And, if you are a provider, imagine the value- add that you provide to families by offering a portal that the individuals & their circle of support can access.  Our fall release is all about taking the next step in person centered ideals through our electronic platform.  We hope you find these features exciting and valuable and encourage you to contact us to find out more!

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Recent I/DD Employment Statistics & Ideas for Growth

Posted by Mike Holihan on Sun, Aug 30, 2015 @ 08:30 AM

A little over a month ago, I attended the Arc's National Council of Executives (NCE) Summer Leadership Institute in Providence, RI.  The learning sessions were phenomonal and the big focus of conversation centered around the change in service and supports that is necessary to comply with CMS's new final rules. 

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Tags: 2015, Data