At the end of each calendar quarter, we release a set of new or improved features into Connect. With quarter 2 in the books for this year, I wanted to highlight some of the newest features to come out with the release.
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The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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MediSked Helps Provider Achieve 'A First' in the state of Missouri
Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Apr 15, 2015 @ 11:19 AM
Provider Partner Spotlight:
If she never has to manually enter Medicaid claims data online again, it will be too often for Betty Stahlman, accounts receivable manager with Developmental Services of Franklin County (DSFC), which provides support services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In August 2009, Stahlman began manually entering data to the Missouri State Customer Information Management Outcomes Reporting System, or CIMOR, for payment. As a human service agency, DSFC is required to report information relating to the care of the disabled individuals they serve and provide services to help them achieve independent and empowered lives. It is these services that Missouri Medicaid funds as long as agencies like DSFC prove that the prescribed goals and outcomes have been worked on. A new partnership finalized in early April 2015, lays that time-consuming process to rest and opens the door to better quality care for those served by DSFC. It also makes DSFC the first agency waiver provider to electronically interface developmental disabilities claims data to the state for Medicaid reimbursements via CIMOR. By eliminating manual entry into this system, the state is receiving claims data faster and more reliably and for DSFC, significantly cutting down admin time and substantially reducing the chance of errors.
A peek into MediSked Connect's Q1 New Feature Updates
Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Mar 27, 2015 @ 10:39 AM
This week we held our quarterly user group meetings with our Connect users from across the country. One of the highlights of the meeting is reviewing the feature updates in Connect. Here is a brief recap of some of the updates we covered. If you have any questions, you can find more information in our knowledge base or contact your account rep! If you are not a customer, but would like to know more, please contact
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