In this blog we focus a lot of attention on how agency management platforms can help the administrative function of an agency. ROI and workflow efficiencies are nice benefits to using software, but what about what really matters? How does a hosted software solution (aka cloud based; meaning it is accessed through the internet) help what you have dedicated your life to - providing the highest quality of care to the individuals you serve? Can the cloud make the lives of people better? Our answer is yes, it can. Below are a list of examples of how cloud based software for providers can give your employees access to information instantly, wherever they are. The cloud takes records out the filing cabinets and puts them at the point of care where they belong. Let's look at some examples.
The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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How cloud based software for providers helps quality of care
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jun 04, 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based
It's no secret that today many states are trying to balance budgets and find more efficient ways to handle costs. In our world, this has translated to some states moving to managed care for the administration of Medicaid waiver services. As a company, we have been working close with providers across the country as they go through the transition to managed care. We recently caught up with Dave Richard, the Executive Director of the Arc of North Carolina, who is going through this transition with us in North Carolina. We gleaned some tips from him on what providers should expect when their state moves to managed care. Here are some of them.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Managed Care
3 Ways Mobile Documentation is Better than Paper
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, May 21, 2013 @ 09:08 AM
According to comScore Reports, 129.4 million Americans owned a smart as of January this year. As smartphone adoption continues to grow, the demand and ability for your employees to document service provision via a mobile device will also grow. And if you're using an agency management platform, this change in how documentation is recorded will be an easy one. Now, it should be noted that providing smartphones to all of your employees may not be the answer. If you read our report on technology investments, we lay out a couple of different options. But, if you think arming your staff with mobile devices or even allowing them to use their own is an option, here are 3 ways that mobile documentation is better than paper.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Mobile, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based
4 Signs it's Time for a Computer System at your DD Agency
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, May 16, 2013 @ 09:02 AM
In our last post we talked about the risk of getting fined for an audit because of incorrect or missing documentation. Getting fined is a very good impetus to move to a computer system for your dd agency. But, unless you enjoy feeling the pain of a fine, there are other signs that it might be time to go electronic.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based