The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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Top Ten Question’s We Get Asked: #2 - What if we don’t use a schedule?
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Oct 30, 2012 @ 09:54 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, Scheduling
Top 10 Q’s we get asked: # 3 Can you interface with XYZ software
Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Oct 24, 2012 @ 08:56 AM
OIG Update; Audit of Personal Care Services in West Virginia
Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Oct 17, 2012 @ 05:06 PM
In total, the audit report recommends that the State agency:
- Refund $360,539 to the Federal Government and
- Improve its monitoring of providers to ensure compliance with Federal and State requirements for personal care services.
To view the full report, click here.
The two main deficiencies laid out in this report are Services Not Supported by Documentation and Services Not In Accordance with Plan of Care.? If agencies are still utilizing paper based methods to document services and plans of care, they run a real risk of incurring these types of deficiencies.
Everyone knows that auditors are looking very carefully for misuse of Medicaid dollars.? Human error is a fact of life when agencies put their faith in paper, binders and non-electronic sources.
For a free report on the most common audit issues for home health and human service provider agencies, click here.? Agencies Management Platforms, such as MediSked Connect, remove human error and eliminate the common audit issues, including the deficiencies listed in this report.
Tags: Compliance, Medicaid, Waiver Services
4 Keys to a Successful Change Management Process
Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Oct 10, 2012 @ 08:59 AM
1. Which is why we start with Executive Buy In as the number one key to success. Staff takes their cues from the executive level, including forming their opinion on a new technology. If the executive team is excited and involved in the process, staff underneath them will be as well. If parts of the executive team are actually involved in the project of implementing a new technology you have the highest potential of success. Other project members witness that commitment firsthand and actually doing some of the project work is the greatest way to inspire others. In many cases, the executive team is not involved in the technology implementation project and that’s still ok. The approval of the executive team to allow the project team the authority and control to change or implement policies and procedures in order to achieve the proposed ROI of the new solution is the next best thing. Status meetings and morale boosters are an effective to stay engaged with the project.
2. Successful program staff ownership. The people that will be using the technology and fundamentally shifting the way they perform their job duties also have a big part in the success of technology implementation. The key is finding specific staff members that can be your champion of the change and the technology. Getting them on board early and giving them some responsibility in the project will empower them and also give the technology and change credibility to others. If you have employees resistant to change (who doesn’t?), the easiest way to make them more comfortable is allowing them to see firsthand how their peers are being successful with it and how it directly can make their lives easier. A team of eager staff willing to accept and promote change will go a long way in making the change positive and successful.
3. Taking time to map out or understand current workflows. Understanding your most efficient route to completing tasks before the technology implementation occurs is vital. Understanding how service notes are collected and reviewed, the steps and people involved in billing claims, how you currently match time and attendance to billable hours and more are all important to understand step by step before you are running with a new technology. By mapping out and understanding current workflows, you can better identify specific inefficiencies you want to fix and the roles of staff that you will need to help you during implementation. You can also be better at picking the right solution that will help solve the specific inefficiencies you’ve identified. Too often, this step is skipped in the beginning and is figured out during or after the technology implementation. This stunts a true understanding of what the technology is doing and can be seen as a threat to staff that were not involved in the process mapping ahead of time.
4. Having a well thought out training program once the technology is chosen and implemented is the final key. Hopefully, your technology vendor has training programs or best practices they can advise on to help you with this process. However, it does take planning and commitment at the executive level to make training a priority. Any technology is only as good as the people using it. So without a formal training plan or commitment, you can bet that staff will not understand how to use the technology. And when staff doesn't understand how to use it, they won’t accept it and they won’t use it. Training will ensure proper usage and in the end make their jobs easier and more rewarding.