Here are the stories trending in the world of I/DD this week...
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The MediSked Blog
Mike Holihan
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MediSked News Roundup 10/24/14: Indiana Loosens Disability Requirements
Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Oct 24, 2014 @ 02:00 PM
4 Online Resources I/DD Providers Should Know
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Oct 23, 2014 @ 08:36 AM
With the legislative and financial landscape of I/DD services in constant flux, it's hard to keep track of the external forces that so often affect your agency. On our end as a software provider to this space, we operate in states across the country, so it's vital that we are up to date on all of the changes. Our Research and Compliance organization have the monumental task of monitoring changes in funding, regulations and philosophies. Some states, like New York are moving to a managed care model of supports, moving away from fee for service and to a capitated rate model. In the neighboring state of New Jersey, they are doing just the opposite and moving to a fee for service model. So how do you keep it all straight?
We have put together the list below of 4 online resource that we go to for up to date information on I/DD waivers and services. If any of these sites spark your interest, bookmark them on your web browser so you can remember to come back!
Read MoreMediSked News Roundup 10/16/14: Managed Care on hold in NH
Posted by Mike Holihan on Fri, Oct 17, 2014 @ 09:34 AM
We have a saying around MediSked that goes:
"We don't have patience for software that calls people patients."
Too often we see provider agencies evaluating medical or clinical software to implement as their agency wide solution for electronic records. In almost every case, a provider that implements a clinical EHR to manage their electronic records, workflows, and billing is regretting that choice later on. You don't provide medical services, or in some cases, even behavorial health services, so why look at software that is certified for managing those types of services? You shouldn't and here's 4 reasons why.
Tags: EHR