As states, payers, and oversight continue to find new and innovative ways to improve quality, cost, and efficiency of home and community base services (HCBS), many are looking to Value-Based Payments as a reimbursement model that drives these goals. Value-Based Payments (VBP) is a reimbursement model that shifts away from compensating providers based on volume (fee-for-service), and towards a model which rewards providers based on their efficiency and quality of care. The idea behind this shift is to incentivize providers to create more value in the services that they provide, instead of incentivizing sheer volume of services.

The MediSked Blog
Tyler Blake
Recent Posts
Implementing Value-Based Payments Across the HCBS Continuum
Posted by Tyler Blake on Mon, Apr 09, 2018 @ 04:50 PM
Tags: Home and Community Based Services, Managed Care, 2018, Industry Trends, VBP
Failures in Compliance: High Stakes for Both Providers and Vendors
Posted by Tyler Blake on Tue, Mar 20, 2018 @ 10:00 AM
Regulatory compliance is a major consideration when choosing an electronic health record solution for a provider agency. From billing, to HIPAA, to the design features of the solution itself, there are far and wide compliance implications to a provider’s choice of EHR vendor.
Tags: EHR, Compliance, 2018, Industry Trends
Understanding Value Based Payment Reform: A Case Study in New York
Posted by Tyler Blake on Thu, Nov 16, 2017 @ 03:45 PM
As the national leader in serving the needs of health and human service providers, MediSked understands the importance to our clients of staying on top of the most recent national trends in payment reform. One such recent regulatory change seen in a number of states is the move towards a Value-Based Purchasing model, also known as Value Based Payment reform (VBP).
Read MoreTags: Home Care Industry, Home and Community Based Services, 2017, Awareness, Value Based Payments