Home and Community Based Settings Rule Refresher
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rules, released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in January 2014, is meant to ensure that programs[1] funded with HCBS dollars provide people with disabilities opportunities to live, work, and receive services in integrated, community settings where they can fully engage in community life.

The MediSked Blog
Status Update: Implementation of the Home and Community Based Settings Rule
Posted by Nicole Jorwic on Mon, Nov 20, 2017 @ 12:30 PM
Tags: Compliance, Home and Community Based Services, 2017, Awareness
Understanding Value Based Payment Reform: A Case Study in New York
Posted by Tyler Blake on Thu, Nov 16, 2017 @ 03:45 PM
As the national leader in serving the needs of health and human service providers, MediSked understands the importance to our clients of staying on top of the most recent national trends in payment reform. One such recent regulatory change seen in a number of states is the move towards a Value-Based Purchasing model, also known as Value Based Payment reform (VBP).
Read MoreTags: Home Care Industry, Home and Community Based Services, 2017, Awareness, Value Based Payments
The Resource Exchange (TRE) is an incredible agency in Colorado Springs, Colorado that supports over 4,400 children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with a staff of almost 300 employees. TRE is implementing MediSked Connect - Agency Management Platform and MediSked Portal - Person-Centered Portal for the following programs: early intervention, community coordination/case management, supported living services, and their family services support program.
Read MoreIt’s finally Fall, which means that it is almost time for Halloween! Halloween is one of MediSked’s favorite holidays. It can be exciting at any age and we’ve compiled some tips for celebrating in an inclusive, fun, and safe way.
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