MediSked, LLC would like to extend the warmest #welcome to everyone of all abilities into our community! As part of the #nysopwdd Community Inclusion campaign, we would like to show our ongoing support of making everyone part of the community and helping "plant the seeds" so that everyone feels welcome. We encourage everyone to help us in effort to spread awareness. To learn more about the initiative, please take a few minutes and watch this video
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The MediSked Blog
Tags: New York, ID/DD News, Home and Community Based Services
It's no secret that one of the biggest challenges facing providers and states today is the transition of day programs into vocational or employment programs. Finding gainful employment for someone with I/DD is no easy task, heck finding gainful employment in general is no easy task! A lot has been written about this topic on both sides. There are advocates for sheltered employment and states looking for ways to integrate agency run sheltered employment more in the community and there are those on the other side that want to do away with these types of programs and only focus on employment in the community with non-agency run businesses. Experts across the board all agree that exposing kids at an early age in high school to employment opportunities will go a long way in helping shift the huge unemployment hole that currently exists for people with I/DD. These experts argue that if kids are not exposed to jobs, then how will they know what they want to do when they grow up? Where will the drive to work come from?
Read MoreNew States Posted: Get Your HCBS Rule Update Here
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Thu, Oct 22, 2015 @ 03:47 PM
The statewide transition plans for HCBS rule have been gradualy rolling into CMS and as of this week, almost every state's CMIA letter has been posted.
CMIA stands for "Changes or Modifications required for Initial Approval" and because no state's initial transition plan was accepted "as is" - every state is receiving one.
The new states that were most recently posted are:
Tags: Compliance, Medicaid, Home and Community Based Services, Final Rule
Infographic: Florida's iBudget Crisis By the Numbers
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Tue, May 12, 2015 @ 01:59 PM
Since 2003, the average cost of living in the United States has gone up about 28%. The Minimum Wage in Florida has increased from $5.15 per hour in 2003 to $8.05 today.
Yet, Florida's iBudget Waiver reimbursement rates for the providers offering essential supports and services are on average 14.17% lower today than they were IN 2003!
Forgive my bold font, but that's absurd!
Read MoreTags: ID/DD News, Home and Community Based Services, Waiver Services, 2015, Florida