The Huffington Post just broke this news story about an incredibly exciting new sneaker from our friends at Nike.
The article tells the story of Matthew Walzer, a college sophomore with Cerebral Palsy.
Up until now, simply putting on his shoes was an impossible task. While he could independently dress himself, footwear was a whole separate challenge.
Lacking the dexterity to get his foot in and out of his shoes, the Florida teen had to enlist the help of others.
He told Huff Post, “By the time you turn 16 it gets frustrating or embarrassing if you're out with your friends and your shoe comes untied and you have to ask your friend, ‘Hey, can you bend down and tie my shoe for me?’”
So he decided to do something about it.
Back in 2012, while he was still in high school, Walzer sent a letter to Nike. That letter ended up in the hands of Nike CEO Mark Parker, who in turn passed it along to Tobie Hatfield, the company’s senior director of athlete innovation.
Three years and one heck of a partnership later, Matthew Walzer and
Hatfield’s team at Nike were ready to launch the Zoom Soldier 8 Flyease. And that's exactly what they did yesterday.
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