As states, payers, and oversight continue to find new and innovative ways to improve quality, cost, and efficiency of home and community base services (HCBS), many are looking to Value-Based Payments as a reimbursement model that drives these goals. Value-Based Payments (VBP) is a reimbursement model that shifts away from compensating providers based on volume (fee-for-service), and towards a model which rewards providers based on their efficiency and quality of care. The idea behind this shift is to incentivize providers to create more value in the services that they provide, instead of incentivizing sheer volume of services.

The MediSked Blog
Implementing Value-Based Payments Across the HCBS Continuum
Posted by Tyler Blake on Mon, Apr 09, 2018 @ 04:50 PM
Tags: Home and Community Based Services, Managed Care, 2018, Industry Trends, VBP
New Managed Care Q&A Publication with MediSked and ANCOR
Posted by Linda Nakagawa on Thu, Oct 12, 2017 @ 07:00 PM
Managed care is at the forefront of everyone's minds in our field. As an increasing number of states transition individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to managed care, provider agencies are faced with additional complexities to work with Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), including new billing systems, requirements and expectations.
Read MoreTags: Provider Agencies, Managed Care, 2017
What's the Right Way to Transition to Managed Care?
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Wed, May 25, 2016 @ 09:19 AM
New York (where MediSked is headquartered) is the eighth state to transition to a managed care model and while we're excited and confident that it will work well, save money, and provide better supports and care for all enrolled - it seems that many families are freaking out.
I came across this article titled, State moves to address concerns over managed care switch for developmentally disabled, on and I was honestly a bit surprised to see despite efforts from the state and OPWDD to keep everyone calm and address potential anxieties, parents are really worried that the systems their children are currently in could come apart at the seams.
Tags: Managed Care
We Want You to Have the Best Technology in Place for New York's Move to Managed Care. OPWDD Wants to Fund It.
Posted by Elizabeth Chatterton on Mon, Jan 04, 2016 @ 10:32 AM
New York’s move to Managed Care is happening. And it’s happening fast.
To help agencies accelerate their own transition processes, the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) has created a one-time $10 million Non-Profit Behavioral Health / Developmental Disability Providers Health Information Technology (BH-DD HIT) Investment Program.
What does that mean exactly?
Tags: New York, Managed Care