Eugene, Oregon
October 16th and 17th, 2013

The MediSked Blog
Tags: Change Management, MediSked Company News, Paperless / Cloud Based
Tags: MediSked Company News, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based
The Future of Cloud Based Software for Provider Agencies
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Oct 10, 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News, Paperless / Cloud Based
MediSked was on the road again. Brian and I were off to our first ARRM event, and the very first ARRM Tech Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As we started our decent into Minneapolis/St Paul airport I couldn’t help but notice all of the lakes! Wow, they really weren’t exaggerating on their license plate with the whole “land of 10,000 lakes” claim. It was quite a beautiful sight to see.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Home and Community Based Services, MediSked Company News, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based