No great stories ever started over a salad. This one is no different. For those of you who were able to attend The Arc 2013 National Convention in Seattle, congratulations on your successful navigation of O'Hare, SFO, Philly, SeaTac and in our case Milwaukee to arrive in Bellevue. To say that Mother Nature made arrival difficult this year is, in my mind, an understatement. Once we all arrived, it was as it always is, a wonderful family reunion.

The MediSked Blog
Hello Seattle : Achieving Momentum with the National Arc
Posted by Brian White on Fri, Aug 16, 2013 @ 03:32 PM
Tags: Change Management, Provider Agencies, Paperless / Cloud Based
Why you need your service plans and treatment plans electronic
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Aug 06, 2013 @ 10:42 AM
If your agency is still clinging to paper service plans and treatment plans, then you are missing out on some big benefits. As I will write in this post, there's no good reason to continue with paper plans when electronic versions offer so much in terms of value to you and your clients. Like many other industries that have gone paperless, from your dentist's office to your auto mechanic, the benefits are too great to ignore. Service plans and treatment plans are especially important to get electronic for providers because these are the guiding documents that determine the type and intensity of service for your clients. It is why you are in business. Here's the reasons why you need these service plans and treament plans electronic
4 Reasons Cloud Based Software for Providers is Essential
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jun 25, 2013 @ 09:45 AM
This blog has recently explored a lot into how the cloud improves quality of care. In fact, our next e-report is on that topic (should be out this week!) Today, I wanted to focus on how the cloud helps you, the provider, be more effective and efficient. The main theme of this topic is really centered around the access you have to data that's happening in real time and what this means for agency in every department. So with that, let's get started.
How cloud based software for providers helps quality of care
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jun 04, 2013 @ 09:38 AM
In this blog we focus a lot of attention on how agency management platforms can help the administrative function of an agency. ROI and workflow efficiencies are nice benefits to using software, but what about what really matters? How does a hosted software solution (aka cloud based; meaning it is accessed through the internet) help what you have dedicated your life to - providing the highest quality of care to the individuals you serve? Can the cloud make the lives of people better? Our answer is yes, it can. Below are a list of examples of how cloud based software for providers can give your employees access to information instantly, wherever they are. The cloud takes records out the filing cabinets and puts them at the point of care where they belong. Let's look at some examples.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based