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Tags: Provider Agencies
The Future of Cloud Based Software for Provider Agencies
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Oct 10, 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Tags: Provider Agencies, MediSked Company News, Paperless / Cloud Based
According to a recent study conducted by IBISWorld, Inc, the future is bright for the elderly and disabled services. Because of an aging population, more services are being demanded for elderly care. Also, the industry is seeing a trend with families that have taken care of disabled loved ones. More and more parents are unable to provide care due to their needs as they get older, hence the demand for more formal care by provider agencies and home and community based services is on the rise. Only approximately 13% of individuals with I/DD live in residences provided by agencies across the country. This number is sure to rise.
Tags: Home Care Industry, Provider Agencies, ID/DD News, Medicaid