October 1st 2013 is here! Today embarks a
milestone in our great nation’s history. For the first time, all
Americans will be provided the opportunity to have health coverage. While
revering in today, please read and consider the articles below.

The MediSked Blog
Tags: Provider Agencies
What Does Electronic Waste Have to Do with People with Disabilities?
Posted by Mike Holihan on Wed, Sep 11, 2013 @ 04:00 PM
I hope everyone enjoyed the Labor Day holiday. As with the
beginning of the school year, the articles below aim to educate and
empower, with a few feel good stories and one focusing on where the country
stands in healthcare expansion.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Medicaid
MediSked was on the road again. Brian and I were off to our first ARRM event, and the very first ARRM Tech Show in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As we started our decent into Minneapolis/St Paul airport I couldn’t help but notice all of the lakes! Wow, they really weren’t exaggerating on their license plate with the whole “land of 10,000 lakes” claim. It was quite a beautiful sight to see.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Home and Community Based Services, MediSked Company News, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based