
The MediSked Blog

8 Tips for Leading Change When Implementing Technology for DD Providers

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Apr 04, 2013 @ 09:11 AM

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Tags: Change Management, Provider Agencies

What does HIPAA compliant software mean?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Apr 02, 2013 @ 11:21 AM

If you provide Medicaid waiver services, then I'm sure you are familiar with what HIPAA compliancy is.  HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.  When it comes to purchasing an information system that is going to be responsible for managing and storing PHI, having HIPAA compliant software is a must!  You cannot risk having it in an unsafe or vulnerable system.  An even scarier notation is to think about how your data is currently being stored.  If it's in notebooks sitting on kitchen tables at a group home where anyone can pick it up, that's a tremendous security risk!  Having HIPAA compliant software is obviously more secure than paper, but what makes software HIPAA compliant?  Read on to find out and use this checklist as a guide to ensure that you have HIPAA compliant software.
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Tags: Provider Agencies, HIPAA

What's happening to DD Providers going to managed care?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Mar 28, 2013 @ 08:57 AM

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dave Richard, the Executive Director at The Arc of North Carolina.  It was a very insighful conversation as Dave was able to elaborate on his agency's experience with North Carolina's transition away to Managed Care Organizations (MCOs).  The MCO model is gaining steam in states across the country because, for the states, the management of medicaid waiver services gets outsourced to private insurance (MCO).  The state not only saves money by not having to administer the funds they also typically set up a supports budget per participant based on needs assessments that come out to be, on average, cheaper per person than the old way.  This capitated model is appealing to state legislatures because it reduces state medicaid expenses helping the state government get to a balanced budget.  While this model seems great from a state government perspective, it is less than appealing to providers of i/dd services for a variety of reasons.  Dave talked about these reasons, as well as the importance of having electronic records during an MCO transition.  Below is an exerpt from the interview.  

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Tags: Provider Agencies, Managed Care

Why EMRs are not ideal for DD Services Software

Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Mar 21, 2013 @ 08:25 AM

The Difference Between EMRs and AMPs

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Tags: EHR, Provider Agencies