The annual PAR Solutions Conference was last week in Harrisburg, PA. PAR was incorporated in 1970 as a statewide, not-for-profit organization. PAR members provide the full range of supports and services to more than 47,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities, including over 8,000 children and adults living with autism, in over 8,100 locations. The yearly conference gives all its members a chance to meet with one another and share ideas between
agencies. MediSked has been a partner and member of PAR for several years and had the honor of being a vendor at this year’s conference. The highlights for me this year and every conference I attend is meeting the people and showing them MediSked Connect.

The MediSked Blog
Tags: Documentation, Direct Support Professionals, Provider Agencies, ID/DD News, Best Practices, Staff Management, Electronic Signatures, Technology, Paperless / Cloud Based
A New Way to Simplify Provider Staff Management
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, Nov 21, 2013 @ 09:10 AM
Tags: Mobile, Staff Management
3 Ways Mobile Documentation is Better than Paper
Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, May 21, 2013 @ 09:08 AM
According to comScore Reports, 129.4 million Americans owned a smart as of January this year. As smartphone adoption continues to grow, the demand and ability for your employees to document service provision via a mobile device will also grow. And if you're using an agency management platform, this change in how documentation is recorded will be an easy one. Now, it should be noted that providing smartphones to all of your employees may not be the answer. If you read our report on technology investments, we lay out a couple of different options. But, if you think arming your staff with mobile devices or even allowing them to use their own is an option, here are 3 ways that mobile documentation is better than paper.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Mobile, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based
4 Signs it's Time for a Computer System at your DD Agency
Posted by Mike Holihan on Thu, May 16, 2013 @ 09:02 AM
In our last post we talked about the risk of getting fined for an audit because of incorrect or missing documentation. Getting fined is a very good impetus to move to a computer system for your dd agency. But, unless you enjoy feeling the pain of a fine, there are other signs that it might be time to go electronic.
Tags: Provider Agencies, Staff Management, Paperless / Cloud Based