
The MediSked Blog

How technology can motivate staff in home and community based services

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Apr 16, 2013 @ 09:26 AM

In most cases, if you are an providing agency implementing a new technology you are going to receive push back from your staff.  What you find to be cutting edge and highly beneficial for your agency, your staff could find threatening.  Especially with staff that has limited exposure to computers and technology, the idea of implementing technology at your agency could be extremely earth-shattering.  So how can you motivate staff in home and community based services to use technology? We have some ideas that we'll share below, but it's important to note that the best to motivate is not through threats or negative reinforcement.  If you keep it positive and make it internal in terms of personal growth, technology and change will be embraced a lot deeper!

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Tags: Provider Agencies, Staff Management

5 benefits of tracking trainings in disability provider software

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Mar 19, 2013 @ 08:39 AM

If there are any Seinfeld fans out there, you'll remember an episode in which Newman, Jerry's mailman neighbor, has a breakdown because "the mail never stops, it just keeps coming and coming!"  Trainings at a provider agency are similar - they are a constant.  Between your new hire trainings and your annual, semi-annual renewal of other trainings, your staff is always in training mode.  For the people at the agency that have to manage everyone's training and keep track of it all, it can be a stressful and never-ending task.  Good trainers are patient, organized and accessible without software.  Give them a software tool to manage trainings and you would be amazed at how much more you can do with trainings!  Below is a short list of the 5 benefits of tracking trainings in a disability provider software, such as an agency management platform.
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Tags: Staff Management, Implementation

Is there a scheduling solution for direct support staff?

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Nov 13, 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Whether you are a home care or human service agency that has formal schedules or not, chances are you have encountered times when direct support staff has either been late, no-showed, or called off a shift that was assigned to them.  In fact, in our travels to provider agencies across the country, one of the biggest challenges we hear echoed time and again is employee management.  If you are managing direct support staff shifts and schedules via paper, whiteboards, or any other manual method you are not optimizing your reimbursement or revenue potential and more importantly, risking not delivering the highest quality of care.  Here are some reasons why transitioning to an Agency Management Platform, such as Connect, will solve your employee scheduling needs.

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Tags: Direct Support Professionals, Staff Management, Scheduling

OIG Audit uncovers inadequate exclusion controls in Colorado

Posted by Mike Holihan on Tue, Jul 31, 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Below is a link to an Office of the Inspector General’s report that was just released concerning the State of Colorado and some unallowable payments made to agencies that employed people on the exclusion list. Exclusion list check functionality is built into the Connect Platform – allowing agencies to seamlessly run checks against their list of employees while never having to leaving Connect. If an employee comes up on the check, their record is flagged.

Please read below for the full report on Colorado.
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Tags: Compliance, Provider Agencies, Medicaid, Home and Community Based Services, Staff Management